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Myles Spar, MD is a leading authority in personalized performance medicine as an author, teacher, researcher, TEDx talk speaker, contributor to Men’s Journal and the L.A. Times, an expert on national TV shows, and a faculty member of the University of Arizona. He is also National Director and VP of Medical Services for AndHealth, a digital health company utilizing root cause medicine and participatory care to reverse chronic illness.
Men’s Health Quiz
Dr. Spar is excited to announce his Men’s Health Quiz – a fun, online tool to help you drill down into the next thing you need to work on in order to improve your health and achieve your goals. You’ll be surprised by how much you can learn in just a few minutes (even on your phone)!
Recent Blogs
Expert integrative physician Myles Spar, MD writes candid, weekly posts on the best scientifically-validated health tips, the leading questions of the day, and other topical subjects (from anti-aging to sexual health and more). He does the research so you don’t have to.
What Blood Tests Best Predict Risk of a Heart Attack?
The general cholesterol profile, also known as the lipid panel, is what most people are used to having done during their general check-ups. Its purpose is to predict the chances of having heart problems down the road and guide decisions about what should be done to...
Stoicism: Understanding The Disciplines of The Man Code
sto·i·cism /ˈstōəˌsizəm/An ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The philosophy asserts that virtue (meaning, chiefly, the four cardinal virtues of self-control, courage, justice and wisdom) is happiness, and it is our perceptions of...
What Does It Mean For A Man To Be Stoic?
There has always been a man code. It represents what most of society values in masculinity - attributes that men are socialized to believe they should strive for in order to be respected and welcomed into the tribe of men. Stoicism Is One of Those Attributes It may...
Available Resources

Top 6 Sex Supplements For Men
Supplement Guide

Dr Spar's Ten Days To Zen Guide
Meditation Guide

Top 10 Supplements For Men
Supplement Guide

Dr. Spar's Heart Health Guide
Heart Health Guide

Anti-Aging Week Worksheet
Anti-Aging Guide