Measuring Stress
I do believe it is helpful to use objective data to evaluate your health - whether it is blood sugar measurements or biomarkers of heart disease risk as I’ve talked about in this blog. We know that being in stress-mode impacts your health in a negative way,...
Cardiovascular Imaging: The New Tech Identifying the Risk of Heart Disease
I recently had a patient who was feeling well, but came to me for optimizing his performance and making sure he was doing all he could to prevent problems down the road. I won’t use his real name, so let’s call him Brent. Brent had typical annual physical labs done,...
Personalized Healthcare: 5 Steps Of Performance Medicine
Many people view health and wellness as the goal. And for those with chronic health conditions, good health is definitely an important goal. But for others who are striving for optimal health, you’re more likely to get there if you view health as the means to the end...
Sunscreen & Anti-aging: Paradigm Shift in Skincare in the Last Few Years
Getting some sun is essential for our health and overall wellbeing. However, too much sun is detrimental and could lead to health issues like skin cancer. In addition, exposure to the sun’s UV rays will result in early signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines....
A New Era of Medicine: Understanding Personalized Performance Medicine
Why does your friend lose weight with intermittent fasting but you don’t, even when you follow the exact same protocol? How come your spouse can drink coffee with dinner and fall asleep easily while you will be up all night if you have anything with caffeine...
Boosting The Male Immune System: How To Build A Strong Immune System Naturally
Fortunately, we are in a COVID lull. Man, I hope it continues to stay at this low case rate, hospitalization, and mortality rate. But we have all learned the lessons of being as strong as possible on many levels, not the least important of which regarding our immune...
What Blood Tests Best Predict Risk of a Heart Attack?
The general cholesterol profile, also known as the lipid panel, is what most people are used to having done during their general check-ups. Its purpose is to predict the chances of having heart problems down the road and guide decisions about what should be done to...
Stoicism: Understanding The Disciplines of The Man Code
sto·i·cism /ˈstōəˌsizəm/An ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The philosophy asserts that virtue (meaning, chiefly, the four cardinal virtues of self-control, courage, justice and wisdom) is happiness, and it is our perceptions of...
What Does It Mean For A Man To Be Stoic?
There has always been a man code. It represents what most of society values in masculinity - attributes that men are socialized to believe they should strive for in order to be respected and welcomed into the tribe of men. Stoicism Is One of Those Attributes It may...
Omicron Variant: The Importance Of Boosting Your Immunity Against Covid-19
Omicron is scary. I know that. There is so much we don’t know about this strain of SARS-CoV2 - is it more contagious? Does it cause more severe disease? Can it evade our defenses from having had COVID or the vaccine? The answers to these questions will be coming over...
Nature Immersion: Understanding The Benefits Of Connecting With Nature
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. - John Muir, The Yosemite (1912), page 256. Last summer, my son and I did a 60-mile backpacking trip along the John Muir Trail,...
Can Social Connection Keep You Healthy? How Connectedness Impacts Your Health
Of all of the impacts of COVID, one that has started to receive more attention is the lasting effect of the social isolation the pandemic has caused. Loneliness was actually on the rise even before the pandemic. But the forced decrease in opportunities to engage with...
Why 3x4Genetics Testing Is a Game Changer
In my last blog, I re-introduced precision personalized medicine and how it is more specific to an individual’s needs and goals than a one-size fits all general protocol approach to your health plan. But this approach requires a deep dive into your unique constitution...
What Is Precision Personalized Medicine?
Precision personalized medicine is all about developing a plan of care to maintain optimal health and performance while minimizing the risk of illness, and it's catered to the unique goals and needs of each individual person. How do we accomplish that? It's a big leap...
Resistance Training: The Secret Key to Weight Loss
I have often touted the benefits of incorporating 4 pillars of exercise into your weekly physical activity routine: Cardio, such as running or swimming or cycling, for maintaining a healthy weight and improving cardiovascular health Resistance or strength training,...
The Rise In Sexually Transmitted Diseases Doesn’t Have To Keep You From The Bedroom
With the majority of Americans having received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine, people are feeling more free to interact closely…really closely! That means the pent-up need for physical connection is being satiated on many levels, from in-person gatherings to...
The Power of Moments
During the pandemic, we have come to appreciate the important of moments - times that bring us joy or peace or mark some milestone, like the experience of getting vaccinated or the announcement of the loosening of mask mandates… or even something unrelated to COVID!...
What Supplements Should I Take to Help My Overall Training?
If you’re working out with weights or doing resistance bands or even body weight resistance along with cardio, what we call cross-training, you can use supplements to help further your gains. In a previous blog I wrote about some of my favorites. Now I’d like to...
Ask Dr. Spar: What Are My Heart Health Test Options?
When it comes to your health, you have more power than you realize. Lifestyle choices like eating well, exercising, and managing stress can make an incredible difference when it comes to preventing chronic problems like coronary disease, diabetes, and more. I’ve seen...
Top 5 Heart Health Supplements
I’m a huge proponent of lifestyle changes to maintain your best asset—your health. When it comes to heart health, there’s a lot you can do to protect your ticker and prevent disease. I write about how basic diet changes can affect heart health here, and I hone in on...
What Foods and Supplements Give Me the Best Turmeric Bioavailability?
Have you heard about turmeric? Derived from underground stems of the ginger plant known as Curcuma longa, this bright yellow spice is commonly used in Indian curries. It’s also a popular supplement thanks to a powerfully anti-inflammatory and antioxidant active...
Design a Nutrition & Fitness Program for Your Genes
Genetic testing is big business. More than 26 million people have taken an at-home ancestry test, according to a report issued by MIT Technology Review in early 2019. In fact, the industry seems to be accelerating - as many people purchased an ancestry test in 2018 as...
Cancer Causing Ingredients In Your Bathroom Cabinet
Did you know your personal care products could make you sick? Many of the items you use every day may contain ingredients associated with serious illness. Here are some of the cancer-causing ingredients potentially hiding in your bathroom cabinet. Parabens...
How The Reverse Heart Disease Diet Could Improve Your Health
It’s no secret that eating too much of certain foods may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, but people sometimes forget that what you eat can actually have a positive impact on your heart. Adjusting your diet is an effective and relatively easy way to...
Purpose and Death Did you know having a sense of purpose can actually add years to your life? An analysis of ten studies following 136,000 people from the United States and Japan for around seven years found those who reported a feeling of higher purpose in life...
Cognitive Testing: Worth a Try?
Last week you were late to work because you couldn’t find your keys, and yesterday you forgot the name of a guy you’ve known for years. Is your memory getting worse, or are you just paranoid? Are these kinds of “brain farts” normal, or are they a sign of something...
Rev Up Your Fitness Goals for Lasting Wellness with These Simple Tricks
Investing in your health is something every person should do, but many don’t know where to start. Finding the time and money seem impossible, and for some selfish, to devote the resources needed for the level of self-care that provides optimal wellness. Even so, it’s...
Top 5 Foods for Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention
Want to take care of your heart? Start with your plate. As I explain here, making diet changes can affect heart health. And it’s not just about cutting out junk—adding certain foods to your dietary rotation can have a big impact on your cardiovascular system, even...
5 Supplements That Men Should Think Twice About
I believe in the power of supplements to help you reach your physical and mental peak. I’ve written about some of my favorite supplements for heart health, increasing sex drive, getting the most out of your workouts, anti-aging, brain health... I could go on. That...
Ask Dr. Spar: What Is A Definite Sign Of Overtraining?
It’s no secret that I’m a huge proponent of exercise to improve physical and mental health. Whether you’re working toward a fitter physique or struggling with stress, exercise can help. When training for a goal, though, it’s important to remember not to overdo it....
Heart and Health: Does Red Yeast Rice Really Work As A Natural Statin?
Have you heard of red yeast rice? Made by culturing rice with strains of yeast, red yeast rice has been used in Chinese medicine and cooking for over 1,000 years. Because it contains cholesterol-lowering substances called monacolins—most notably monacolin K, which has...
4 Simple Ways to Improve Heart Health
When it comes to heart health, much of the power is in your hands. Lifestyle choices can be so helpful that they may protect you even if, as I write about here, you’re genetically predisposed to developing heart disease. One study found people who ate more fruits and...
Top Foods that Cause Cancer (You Probably Think They’re Safe!)
When you’re placing items in your cart at the grocery store or reading the menu at a restaurant, you’re probably not thinking about whether or not your choices are carcinogenic (unless you live in LA)—but maybe you should. Many of the foods you eat every day have been...
Reverse the Signs of Aging: How Anti-Aging Supplements Work to Keep You Feeling Young
One of the most valuable lessons we learn in our lives is that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This concept definitely holds true when it comes to supplements, particularly those purported to reverse aging. Who really believes they can pop a...
A Modern Approach to Aging Gracefully With These 4 Steps
We all want to believe that we get better with age, but growing older can often make a guy feel more like a broken-down beater than a classic car. Luckily, it is possible to handle the process with strength and integrity. Try a modern approach to aging gracefully with...
Best Methods to Slow Male Pattern Baldness
For many of us, it starts with a harmless glance in the mirror that reveals the beginnings of a bald spot, or we see a picture of ourselves taken on a bright day and notice more scalp shining through than we’d like. However it happens, discovering your hair is...
Mindfulness Tools: 5 Smartphone Apps to Help You Stay Mindful
Are you searching for a proven and accessible way to relax? Try mindfulness. As I explain here, just a few minutes of contemplation every day has been shown to reduce stress, improve attention, and more. What exactly is mindfulness? According to Jon Kabat-Zinn,...
What’s the Best Anti-Aging Skincare for Men?
We all know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but your appearance is generally the first thing people notice about you—and they tend to judge you for it. The way your face looks is particularly key to how others see you. Research suggests that the condition of...
Heart and Health: 5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy This Season
With all the rich meals, sugary treats, and heated political discussions over the dinner table, the holidays can be hard on your cardiovascular system. Here are five simple ways to keep your heart healthy this season. 1. Lower Your Stress Levels While the...
The Most Stressful Time of the Year
Do the holidays and post-election happenings have you stressed out? If you’re so stressed out you feel like it’s affecting your health, you’re probably right. Chronic stress has been linked to conditions like heart disease, anxiety, diabetes, and depression. We’ve all...
Corporate Stress Management: How To Manage Stress At Work
Even if you love what you do, chances are your job is one of your biggest sources of stress. Whether you’re toiling under a heavy workload or struggling with difficult coworkers, the stressful stuff you deal with on a day-to-day basis can take its toll on your health,...
How Much Longer Will I Live? Key Indicators of Fast Aging
Many of us know about the most obvious signs of aging - wrinkles, trouble remembering where the keys are, and a little extra belly fat to name a few. But, there are other more subtle signs that give you an idea of how well your body is holding up as you get older. I...
16 Cancer Causing Foods
Your health is your best asset, and your diet can have a huge impact on it. You probably have a general idea of which foods you should be eating—vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish—but what about which ones to avoid? Here’s a list of 16 potentially cancer-causing...
Human Growth Hormone Cost: More Than Just Money—Part 2
Because our bodies make less growth hormone as we get older, people sometimes wonder if synthetic human growth hormone—often marketed as a miracle drug that can increase muscle mass, boost libido, improve energy levels, and more—may be the anti-aging solution they’re...
Human Growth Hormone Cost: More Than Just Money—Part 1
Produced by your pituitary gland, natural growth hormone propels our childhood development and helps with cell growth as well as organ and tissue function throughout our entire lives. Because our bodies make less growth hormone as we age, some people turn to synthetic...
Dr. Spar’s TED Talk: Change Your Annual Check Up to a “Check in” and Live Longer
As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve been watching Ted Talks (on Technology, Entertainment, and Design) for years and have been fascinated by many of the moving speakers. Needless to say, giving my own first Ted Talk was a little intimidating and definitely brought out...
Traveling With the NBA: Helping Players Reach Peak Performance
As an integrative physician practicing in Los Angeles, I often consult with celebrities. But I never dreamed I’d have the privilege of working with professional athletes—specifically, more than a dozen teams in the National Basketball Association! Every year, the NBA...
Are You Drinking the Best Red Wine for Heart Health
Have you heard about the benefits of drinking red wine but dismissed the claims as too good to be true? Believe the hype! While you obviously won’t do yourself any favors if you down a bottle every night, moderate consumption of red wine has consistently been shown to...
How Eating Late at Night Could Be More Harmful Than You Know
I have been more and more convinced about the health benefits of intermittent fasting – limiting your eating to an 8-hour (or so) window within each 24 hour day. But even if that seems too difficult, at least try to limit late-night snacking. Let’s be real—the phrase...
6 Important Facts to Know Before Starting a Food Elimination Diet
Do you sometimes feel off after eating but can’t pin down the cause? Have you wondered if you have food allergies or intolerances but aren’t sure how to find out what they are? A simple blood test can check to see if your body sees 100+ different foods as foreign,...
Don’t Be Fooled by Health Myths: 5 Facts That Are Completely False
If you’ve ever consulted “Dr. Google” in an attempt to address a health concern, you’re not alone. More and more people are looking online for information about how to prevent, treat, and even diagnose illness. As a physician, I recognize that accessible information...
Top 10 Best Anti-Aging Supplements for Men
It’s a fact of life that no matter how young we feel on the inside, our appearance changes as we age. While nothing short of plastic surgery can reverse this natural progression, there are things you can do to slow it down. I wrote about my top 10 best anti-aging...
Depression Stress Anxiety Test: 5 Ways To Self-Diagnose—Part 2
In part one of this series, I discussed the prevalence of depression and anxiety and gave you five ways to self-diagnose them. In part two, I’m focusing on chronic stress, a topic I also tackle here. Linked to conditions like anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure,...
Run It Out
…or Cycle or Swim or Lift It Out Stressed out? You’re not the only one. In a 2014 poll conducted by NPR with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health, more than 1 in 4 Americans reported having a lot of stress in the past...
Ask Dr. Spar: What Is The Best Pre Workout Supplement For Men?—Part 2
In an earlier post, I talked about some of my favorite pre-workout supplements for men. But, as a triathlete and physician who works with a lot of athletes, I’ve learned there’s more to a good workout than vitamins and protein powder. Here are a few tips for getting...
5 Tips On How to Sleep Better and Deeper
Tired? You’re not the only one. According to a 2016 study by the Centers for Disease Control, one in three adults isn’t getting enough sleep on a regular basis. This statistic is troubling because not only does lack of sleep inhibit your ability to function at work...
Ask Dr. Spar: What Is The Best Pre Workout Supplement For Men?
Even if you’re working out at home because of COVID, it’s always good to maximize your efforts. These supplements can help you get that summer body before summer is over. I’m not just a physician who works with a lot of athletes—I also regularly compete as an athlete...
Feeling Old? 9 Signs You Have an Amino Acid Deficiency
Feeling old? Off your game? As I write about here, certain symptoms—joint pain, hearing loss, skin changes—can be indicators of fast aging. While there’s no way to know exactly how much longer you’ll live, there are clues that give you an idea of how your health is...
5 Natural Supplements to Increase Sperm Count
If you follow the news, you may have heard about a study published in 2017 that found sperm counts seem to be dropping at an alarming rate in the Western world. As reported by NPR, researchers looking at data from almost 43,000 men in dozens of industrialized...
The Best Heart Healthy Snacks on the Go
Eating well is an excellent way to boost overall health, and it can be especially beneficial for your heart—a concept I discuss in detail here. I’ve listed some of my favorite foods for heart attack and stroke prevention, and I recently wrote about the reverse heart...
Anti-aging for Men: The Best Anti-aging Skincare for Men
If you think guys don’t need to take care of their skin, think again. According to a study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, the condition of a man’s skin influences people’s perception of his age, attractiveness, and...
The New Manhood
Throughout 2019, manhood was changing. #Metoo led to much-needed reflection on the part of many about what it means to be a man—as a friend and a romantic partner; as a father and a son; as a role model and supporter; as an advocate for and a partner to women; and...
3 Supplements of the Future – Nicotine, Lithium, and Nrf2
If someone offered you a magic pill that would fix all your problems, would you take it? Of course you would! That’s why the supplement industry is such big business. Lured by the promise of products that will make us younger, stronger, thinner, and smarter, Americans...
Best Ways to Diagnose and Treat ED Part II
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is treated pretty casually, but many people don’t realize how incredibly common this condition is. In fact, millions of Americans are affected by ED—including 1 in 2 men over the age of 40. I’ve written about ED before, but I’d like to take...
Racism Kills
In more ways than you think. Of course there are the direct and highly visible ways that we have seen recently, most notably and tragically with the killing of George Floyd, painfully evident for us to have been able to witness with our own eyes. Another wake up call...
Best Ways to Diagnose and Treat ED Part I
While you’re not likely to hear them talking about it in the locker room, many men experience erectile dysfunction (ED). According to UW Health, “Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10 percent of men per decade of life (i.e., 50 percent of men...
Feeling Foggy? Try These Tricks to Boost Your Cognitive Performance
There are lots of reasons a person may wake up fuzzy-headed—one too many drinks the night before, not enough sleep, or maybe a combination of both. But for many men, this lack of cognitive clarity is a perpetual problem that goes beyond the occasional morning...
10 Tips to Live Younger Longer
In an earlier post, I listed ten tips to live younger longer. Since many of those items focus on physical aspects, I wanted to take some time to share ways you can keep your mind and spirit youthful, too. Once thought to be hard-wired after early childhood, the brain...
5 Supplements Everyone Should Take
In the post below, I explain that certain supplements are good for everybody, though you’ll ideally get individualized recommendations based on your specific health issues and goals. Here are five more supplements that everyone should take. But before I get started, a...
Do Your Own Ironman
During our current times I felt it appropriate to share an older blog post about the time I pushed myself to try a new challenge. I hope this post can offer an opportunity of reflection when facing hard times, that we are capable of overcoming challenges and can excel...
5 Stress Management Training Exercises
Whether it’s the demands of family, pressure at work, our current political climate, or all of the above, we all experience stress from time to time. But, as I explain here, stress that’s relentless rather than occasional can have serious negative effects on your...
If I’m Going To Drink What Are The Healthiest Alcohol Options?
Having a drink (or two) may be getting to be more of a habit while stuck at home. Given the consequences of overindulgence—not just addiction, but also increased risk of cancer and other serious conditions—and the fact you're going to drink anyway, what are the...
Depression / Stress / Anxiety Test: 5 Ways to Self-Diagnose
Whether dealing with a tight deadline at work, struggling to meet demands from family, or worrying about politics, we all feel depressed, stressed, and anxious sometimes. But what if these feelings are more than just occasional? According to the World Health...
5 Top Supplements For Brain Health
As I explain below, aging takes its toll on your cognitive abilities as well as your physical ones. Memories become fuzzy, you find yourself misplacing your keys on an all-too-regular basis, and your work performance isn’t as on point as it used to be. Luckily, there...
What the F Happened and How Do I Deal With It?
I know your inbox is full of subject lines like this. I’d like to humbly add to the litany of recommendations and present some suggestions on how to deal with this whole crazy COVID-19 situation. First of all, let’s acknowledge this is tough on all of many...
What Is Biohacking and Should I Do It?
I respect the quest for taking advantage of new technology and scientific discoveries in order to improve our lives, especially our health. Biohacking was one of the biggest trends in 2018, led by Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof and author of The Bulletproof Diet....
Why Do Men Need Doctors? (Podcast Featuring Dr. Myles Spar)
The other day, I sat down with the prestigious Los Angeles-based chiropractor, Dr. Michael Pound, to be a guest on his podcast called "Heal Better Fast". I met him while presenting at Duke University for a fellowship program he’s doing in Integrative Medicine. It was...
When it comes to your brain, you actually can teach an old dog new tricks. Once thought to be hard-wired after early childhood, the brain actually has a remarkable ability to change and heal itself. Known as neuroplasticity, this remodeling due to our environment,...
Fix Your Brain Every day I have patients who come to me asking what they should take to help prevent memory loss or to treat depression or “brain fog” – a loss of ability to concentrate fully. Though people often come to me looking for a magic pill, there is one...
Heart and Health: How Basic Diet Changes Can Affect Heart Health
You’ve heard about unhealthy foods causing heart problems—some restaurants even give decadent menu items names like “the heart attack burger”. But diet can also positively affect your heart and health? Tweaking your eating habits can improve your blood pressure and...
Is Your Life Killing You?
A tight deadline at work, sitting in traffic, falling behind in responding to emails… We all experience stress from time to time. But what happens when that stress becomes constant rather than occasional? This persistent exposure to stress over a long period of time...
Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention—What You Need to Know
If you’re a man of a certain age, you’ve probably heard some pretty frightening statistics about cardiovascular disease, like the fact that it accounts for about 1 in 3 deaths in the United States, or that it kills more people every year than all forms of cancer and...
If you think genetic predisposition means certain conditions are inevitable, think again. Far from being at the mercy of your genes, you can affect which ones are turned on and off—not just in yourself but in your children and grandchildren—through lifestyle choices...
The Intermittent Fasting Diet: Know the Facts and if You Should Try It
Have you heard people talking about intermittent fasting? Fasting involves organizing your eating into a schedule of extended periods without food consumption punctuated by smaller windows where you’re allowed to eat, and proponents claim it can help you lose weight,...
The Power of Positive Thinking and Your Health
When Norman Vincent Peale published The Power of Positive Thinking in 1952, the idea that you could improve the quality of your life by simply having a good attitude was a novel one. Although many were skeptical, the book became a bestseller, and people are still...
One Week Stress Management Plan
Stress. Between struggling to meet work and family demands and worrying about the state of the world, most of us deal with it occasionally. But what if it’s relentless? As I explain here, the persistent exposure to stress over a long period of time is known as chronic...
Healthy(ish) Drinks for Your Winter Party
My healthy alcohol options for the holidays blog post was so popular, I decided to share some other healthy-ish options for those of you continuing to celebrate into the new year. Whether you’re doing apres-ski or hosting an Oscar party, entertaining doesn’t mean you...
How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays
The holiday season is upon us, and while it can be a happy time shared with family and friends, it can also be incredibly stressful—not to mention hard on your waistline. In a 2016 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the weight of American...
4 Habits That Help You Prevent Memory Loss
Do you find yourself losing your keys on a too-regular basis? Are you struggling to keep track of details at the office? Many of us work hard to keep our bodies fit as we age, but we don’t always do the same for our brains. Here are four habits that help you prevent...
The Most Effective Fat-Burning Workouts
One of the the things I hear over and over again from my patients is how hard it can be to find time for exercise. Let me tell you, I get it! As a physician with a family who also happens to be an Ironman triathlete—an experience I talk about here—I’m painfully aware...
Movember Men’s Health Month
November. For many it signals the start of the holiday season, but it’s also the month that men all over the world will grow a moustache. Why? An annual event known as Movember (Mo=moustache + November) encourages guys to grow moustaches as a way of raising awareness...
Top 3 Supplements for Hair Growth
Hair loss can be tough to handle. You have so much power when it comes to optimizing your physical and mental health, but when your hair starts thinning, there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Or is there? As I explain here, hereditary hair loss (androgenic...
Techniques for Building Muscle Mass
Do you feel like you never see the results you want no matter how hard you hit the gym? Has your fitness level plateaued? As a triathlete who works with a lot of athletes, I get it. The good news is, you may only need to do a bit of tweaking in order to achieve your...
Top 3 Meditation Misconceptions
As a guy with a busy life who has a tendency to push myself pretty hard, I sometimes find it hard to slow down. But as an integrative physician, I know all too well how important relaxation and release are for overall health. That’s why I’m such a big proponent of...
How a Morning Ritual Can Make You More Productive
Do you find yourself hitting snooze over and over again every morning? Do you drag yourself out of bed so late that you end up rushing to get to work on time? Are you dependent on coffee to get you out the door? For too many of us, the morning grind is a struggle that...
5 Steps to Looking 10 Years Younger
We all know our appearance doesn’t matter as much as what’s on the inside, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about how we look, especially as we get older. Short of turning back the hands of time—or getting plastic surgery—what can we do to look better as we age?...
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure
You’ve probably heard the old adage about an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure, right? Perhaps nowhere is this more true than with your health. After all, if given a choice between preventing disease and treating it, who wouldn’t choose to stop sickness...
Top 5 Exercises to Boost Libido
A sudden dip in sex drive can be disturbing, particularly if you don’t know what’s causing it. Testosterone levels are typically a big factor, but late nights, long hours at work, and underlying relationship issues can all impact libido. While it may be tempting to...
Top 3 Sexual Health Issues and Treatments
Sex. It’s not just about pleasure, which is important, but also an integral part of intimacy, connection, and fun. Many men have issues with sexual function, which range from low libido to premature ejaculation to erectile dysfunction. Others are concerned about the...
Top 3 Foods to Increase Sex Drive
A demanding job, the tumultuous political landscape, physical exhaustion, aging, side effects from medication…There are a lot of reasons why a man may find his libido lagging. While it’s perfectly normal to experience ups and downs when it comes to sexual desire, you...
Top 3 Exciting Breakthroughs in Modern Medicine
One of the things I love most about medicine is the breakneck speed at which it advances. New discoveries are being made everyday, and technology is constantly being incorporated in thrilling and innovative ways. Here are my top three exciting breakthroughs in modern...
Where Your Donation Dollars Do the Most Good
It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by all the awful things happening in the world. Climate change, war, poverty, natural disasters… Sometimes life feels like a constant barrage of really bad news. In the face of so much suffering, many of us feel compelled to help. But...
Top 5 Biggest Health Misconceptions
We are truly living in the age of information. Thanks to the internet and the ubiquity of smartphones, everything you want to know (and a lot of stuff you don’t) is only a few clicks away. But if there’s one lesson you learn when spending time online, it’s this: Don’t...
The Roadmap to Winning
I believe that health is the most important tool you have in your quest to win – to win at what matters most to you. Hence my tagline, “when you’re healthy, you can win!” But health is more than just the absence of disease. And it’s more than just not being sick....
Could Your Annual Physical Be Missing Something
For many men, the annual physical is the only time they see a medical professional all year. And, while they may have a rote conversation with their doctor and receive a basic exam, most of these men will walk out of the clinic knowing just as little about their...
Do Fat-Burning Supplements Really Work
The rise of social media has taken the marketing of weight loss supplements to a whole new level. So-called “influencers” ranging from movie stars to fitness gurus use their platforms to hawk products to their many followers, claiming they themselves use and benefit...
Scientifically-Validated Six-Pack Diet Techniques
Women aren’t the only ones who are constantly bombarded with seemingly unattainable body images. You only need to turn on your TV or flip open a men’s magazine to see shirtless guys with bulging biceps and washboard abs. First of all, remind yourself that those guys...
5 Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone
Hormone imbalance is an issue often discussed in women’s health, but it’s a problem for men, too. Remember puberty? Your hormones were going crazy, and it probably affected your quality of life. As you age, your hormone levels can get similarly out of whack, causing...
Top 3 Food Documentaries to Change Your Diet Forever
More and more people are stopping to consider where their food comes from, as well as the effect their dietary choices may be having on their health. Perhaps you’re considering modifying the way you eat but aren’t sure about the best way to educate yourself. With all...
Is All This Buzz About CBD Legit? A Post in Honor of 4/20 Day
The short answer is – yes. CBD, cannabidiol, can help with many medical issues, just not as many as you see claims about. But I want to focus on what it CAN do to help you – not what it can’t. And, most importantly, how it is different from THC and how to identify...
3 Research-Proven Ways to Increase Life Expectancy
Given the constant advances in science, medicine, and technology, you’d think the average life expectancy in the United States would increase every year, right? Wrong. According to reports released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in late 2018,...
Smart Drugs: What to Know When Using Nootropics for Focus and Concentration
Have you ever read about a wealthy and successful entrepreneur and wondered what he’s doing that you’re not? The answer could be, well, drugs. In Silicon Valley, where you can’t throw a rock without hitting a genius with a billion dollar idea, some of the best and...
Top Health Risks for Men: 6 Key Threats to Be Aware of
Men experience worse long-term health than women and die on average six years earlier, according to men’s health awareness organization the Movember Foundation. Worse, this gap in life expectancy has been increasing in recent years. Why is this? Part of the reason may...
Healthy(ish) Super Bowl Drinks for Your Big Party
Whether your favorite team makes it to the big game or not (as an Angeleno who used to live in New Orleans, I am still reeling from their playoff game), the Super Bowl is an excellent excuse to throw a party. This year, why not skip boring old beer and go for...
Ditching the Snacks for Foods That Help You Focus
Unhealthy snacking can undermine even the most well-intentioned person. When you’re hungry, all dietary intentions fly out the window. Do you find yourself hitting the vending machine every afternoon in an effort to power through the work day, only to crash an hour...
3 Coping Skills for Depression That Help You Take Back Control
Given the current political landscape and post-holiday season, it’s hard to avoid feeling depressed and anxious sometimes. But what if these feelings are more than just occasional? According to the World Health Organization, more than 300 million people worldwide...
Strengthening Your Thinking Ability: 5 Tricks to Faster Thinking
The signs of physical aging tend to be pretty obvious—hair thins and/or turns grey, joints get creaky, muscles start to lose their definition. But when it comes to the impact of growing older on your brain, things aren’t always so clear. Maybe the right word is always...
What Is Biohacking and Should I Do It? 4 of the Best Biohacking Tricks
The do-it-yourself (DIY) movement has thoroughly permeated our culture. People are doing everything from brewing their own beer to butchering their own meat, often in the interest of saving money while learning something new. But what happens when you apply the DIY...
Top 5 Supplements to Increase Sex Drive
Supplements can be a powerful tool for helping you achieve your goals, especially when you follow a regimen that’s tailored to meet your specific needs. I’ve written about supplements a lot—you can read about some of my general favorites here, and I’ve also listed...
Men’s Health: Three Tests That Could Save Your Life
If you’re relying on the basic tests you get at your annual physical to measure your health, you may not be seeing the whole picture. Many diseases won’t be caught, much less prevented, by the American Medical Associations’s standard of care testing. Or maybe you...
How Much Protein Do I Really Need? Simple Explanation of Protein Intake
Protein. We all know it’s important for our health, but beyond that, things can get a little murky. How much protein do I really need? What kind? What are good food sources of protein? What about protein powders? As an athlete and a physician who works with athletes,...
The Mindfulness Meditation Apps You Won’t Be Able to Live Without
Regular readers of this blog are likely familiar with my passionate belief in the power of mindfulness. When it comes to keeping your stress levels in check—whether at work or elsewhere —mindfulness meditation has been scientifically proven to be effective. In one...
Common Foods That Cause Cancer and How to Avoid Them at the Grocery Store
It would be nice if you could trust that everything available at the grocery store is safe. Unfortunately, many of the foods people eat on a regular basis are potentially carcinogenic. Here are some common foods that may cause cancer and how to avoid them at the...
Telomere Testing: The Benefits of Knowing Your Cellular Age
What are telomeres and what can they tell us about our health? Let’s take a look at telomere testing and the benefits of knowing your cellular age.
Are You in a Slump? Try These 4 Foods That Improve Mood
Feeling low lately? You’re not the only one. According to the World Health Organization, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression, a condition that, unlike the normal and temporary response to life’s challenges, can become a serious and...